Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I met a few DP's. None of them were interested int he free training. They were only interested in experience and credit shooting a feature. Some fit my style more than others. Some had other visions. I remember what it was like when I had a DP on my 1st feature. I felt trapped in that he could leave with all the footage or just leave me to finish the rest with no gear. And that was when I was paying!

I actually wanted to shoot on my own and learn and have a tiny crew. That way I can re shoot or make mistakes without all the insane pressure and people noticing my inexperience. I was excited to find out a DP never got back with me. Guess he hated mys script.

I shot another full day of exterior biking scenes. Some really great shots, don't have and filter so used a high number aperture. People stared but Matt didn't care. Took a while and we finished at sunset. Still need a few more shots.

I'm ready to shoot interior dialogue scenes. I'm looking to buy a shoulder rig so I can get the walking scenes without the crazy shakiness.

Thinking I may switch from Premiere to DaVinci.

Either way nothing in a long time has felt as fulfilling as making this feature film. Maybe because I've sat on it for long in fear before finally doing it. Maybe because it's what I need to be doing. Either way I'm enjoying pretty much every aspect of making it.

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