Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I met a few DP's. None of them were interested int he free training. They were only interested in experience and credit shooting a feature. Some fit my style more than others. Some had other visions. I remember what it was like when I had a DP on my 1st feature. I felt trapped in that he could leave with all the footage or just leave me to finish the rest with no gear. And that was when I was paying!

I actually wanted to shoot on my own and learn and have a tiny crew. That way I can re shoot or make mistakes without all the insane pressure and people noticing my inexperience. I was excited to find out a DP never got back with me. Guess he hated mys script.

I shot another full day of exterior biking scenes. Some really great shots, don't have and filter so used a high number aperture. People stared but Matt didn't care. Took a while and we finished at sunset. Still need a few more shots.

I'm ready to shoot interior dialogue scenes. I'm looking to buy a shoulder rig so I can get the walking scenes without the crazy shakiness.

Thinking I may switch from Premiere to DaVinci.

Either way nothing in a long time has felt as fulfilling as making this feature film. Maybe because I've sat on it for long in fear before finally doing it. Maybe because it's what I need to be doing. Either way I'm enjoying pretty much every aspect of making it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

1st Day of Shooting New Movie

I've done 2 table reads with the script, and then gone over it again with my brother the STAR (no budget movie making). We filmed for the 1st time last night, I'm sure it's a disaster. Telling my other brother how to boom and read audio levels while I also have him stand in for me to see if I can fit in screen. Though my cheap tripod will probably fall out of focus.

Now I try to review the scenes. Acting is good despite not having complete focus and my brother has no experience. Volume not bad, a little low for some of my brothers lines but that can be fixed, too loud can't and luckily we tested me yelling and it never went over -12.

I tried to do minimalistic lighting with one source, but may have kept it too dark. I need curtains because daylight is bleeding into my room and I can't edit right now.

I put out a message that I'll pay a great DP with 2K in training. We'll see if I get anyone good, otherwise I'm just going to keep impractically doing everything myself.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

New Movie Underway

I'm back after a long hiatus.

I've been in analysis paralysis for a long time. I've decided just to do it and quit delaying for every little thing.

Been busy with so much stand up comedy and my fitness company.

I'm going to keep this short, but I will tell you I'm going to document all I'm doing.

I have the script done, and it's been done for a while.

Locations are almost complete.

Storyboards are 35% done. According to Werner Herzog I'm 35% a coward for making them.

And casting is in process.

Gear is almost completely ready as well.

Editing software is ready too.

Will I crowdfund, I'm not sure.

Will I try to get the Austin Film Grant.  Maybe?

That's it for now.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Getting my Story Reviewed

So I've uploaded my current draft to Triggerstreet labs, a contest, and some friends so we'll see what happens.

I'm reading some more Robert E. Howard, and Vampire Hunter D for more ideas and inspiration.

I haven't made any plans for casting or locations besides what I already have.

I'm too into getting the story as close to perfect before I do anything else.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Life and the New Script

It's only been over 3 years but I decided to make another post anyway.

So I got my movie distributed from a POS distributor called Echelon.

I got no money, they got rights to my movie, and then they cease any communication or promises about anything.

I legally can't get my movie back without paying a lot of money until the contract is up.

Good news is despite many people telling me they like my movie, I didn't.

I see all the potential but see as a just a learning experience.

Like my first time on stage doing stand up. I got a lot of laughs, it doesn't mean I was good.

So I've been living the real life. Working as a personal trainer, doing stand up. doing human things, making sure my next movie is a success.

I've currently entered my new script into a contest and am using as well.

Between my training business, stand up, screen writing, and life it's a constant battle.

But I want movie making to be my ultimate success.

I have people interested in producing and have set the goal budget at 50K.

The script has had major overhauls and I like it better each time.

I'll keep you updated.

Friday, April 8, 2011

What I'm doing

So what else am I doing now that I'm doing now that I'm done with the movie.

Well besides constantly reviewing film festivals to know which one to enter, and working running my personal training business working on my next movie!

I've written two scripts and four treatments since my last movie. Constantly moving ahead is the best thing to do. I'm ending one movies life as I move onto the next.

After making a movie and watching how everything plays out on the screen. You learn a lot about screenwriting. What works, where your strengths are, and exactly what not to do next time...hopefully, you do. I've seen some people's work and it's as if they haven't learned anything at all.

Some people like to stick with the one movie they made forever and keep trying to self-distribute and all that. For me, I've made the movie now it's time to do the festivals, get a distributor, learn from it for next time, and move on.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

In the mean time

So I've got my movie submitted to several different festivals. What else can I do now?

Well, I'm currently reading Chris Gore's Film Festival Survival Guide. Which is almost a cliche as popular as it is. And I'm reading Independent Film Distribution by Phil Hall. They're both good books with great stories, but so far it's nothing that's revolutionary to learn.

Listen I' m not trying to knock the books, but after reading Dov Simens Reel to Deal. Everything else pales in comparasion. Despite this, there are some useful things to learn from this book.

Anyway, I'm highlighting all the information that I believe is the most useful so that I can remember what can be useful. As well as researching film festival forums such as withoutabox(which I also use to submit) to see which festivals serve the best for me to submit to. It'll be funny to report what actually happens when I get there.

Another things about the books, is that they almost try to scare you away from the business as cynical as they the authors and people who interviewed are. But I suppose that's the type of life you should be prepared for. Christopher Nolan describes himself as the ultimate pessimist.

Though I believe that you need the optimist side as well. Almost to a level that you're naive. Why else would you take such a risk. As Kevin Smith said at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, he wouldn't have taken up film-making had he known how difficult it was.

While I understand the risks and try to stay practical. I try to listen to people who succeed constantly. Interviews, stories, biographies, etc.

Too many tangents, from what I'm reading to a philosophy on filmmaking. So I'll end this before I get too off-point.

Next update, I'll tell you about the other thing I'm doing.