Monday, August 24, 2009

On the 1st day of filming my true love gave to me...

Alright, so I've got an editor. Which means a trailer should be ready in about a month. So, yeah...

Anyway, now a journal through the days of filming. So the first day of filming I pick up my actress from a greyhound bus station that was actually just an old Sherwin Williams. It was so small it was hard to even find it, luckily she was the only Asian in the entire town so she was easy to find.

After an hour drive from there back to my town I dropped her off at a motel so she could catch up on sleep. She had been on a bus since about 3am and had been on it for about 9 hours.

I then checkup with everyone and everything to make sure it's ready for tonight.

I pick up Yvonne(actress) and I'm back at the house again, even larger group of people because everyone wants to see this movie that's been hyped up for months. I meet my DP for the second time, since scouting locations together.

The DP and his assistant have their gear ready, and head on down to the grocery store. Meanwhile the cast and I are getting our makeup done by my a friend. Who at the time I thought was really good at makeup...

We finally leave to the grocery store, but first I stop by the doctor's office to borrow a wheelchair from the good Muslim to use as a dolly.

By the time we get there I'm about 10 minutes late but it doesn't really matter since the store hadn't fully closed yet. Although I'm sure my crew waiting for me didn't feel the same way.

How did I get a grocery store to let me film in store?

When you don't live in LA it's not as much of a bitch to get people to let you used their locations. Plus I pretty much knew everyone in the town and if I didn't my friends did. I did have to go through a few people to get the location but I didn't have to pay any money.

The most awkward thing was just asking to use it. I ask a guy in a Gilbert Grape grocery store in a town that's the size of a college campus if I can film a movie there.

So with a decent sized crowd waiting outside we start setting up and film the scenes. Halfway into getting everything set up I remember I'm about to act in front of the camera. But since I was basically playing myself it wasn't much trouble getting into character.

It was incredible looking at the footage between takes. Derrick was able to make my camera do so much more than I could.

What I was hoping would take two or three hours ended up taking about five hours. I could tell the manager was ready to leave, I promised I'd buy him a pizza from the gas station the next day if he just put up with us a little longer.

We then filmed for another two hours in the parking lot, then went home to sleep for about five hours before we got up early for the next day of filming.

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